Boating Accidents
Texans love being on the water. Our Gulf Coast office in Kemah is within feet of the Gulf of Mexico and our Texas Hill Country office in Llano is within a couple of blocks from the Llano River and in close proximity to the beautiful Texas Hill Country Lakes that are frequented by many year round. Boating and water recreation comes with immense responsibility. Thankfully the vast majority of users of our State's waterways, bays and gulf are safe and responsible, but a careless or reckless boating or water event can turn deadly in an instant.
Many boating and water related accidents are caused by impaired boaters. Alcohol and operation of a boat don't mix any better that alcohol and operation of a motor vehicle. Our office will aggressively pursue a claim against any boater who causes injury as a result of drug or alcohol impairment. High speed and reckless operation of boats also lead to horrific injuries on the water.
Frequently a boater does not have adequate training to be operating the boat. These situations may involve children of the boat owner that have been allowed to operate the boat without proper experience, or novice operators who have not prepared for the responsibilities that follow operating a boat. Other boating accidents involve the failure to have proper equipment or the failure to properly maintain the boat. A frequent cause of boating accidents is the failure of the boat operator to heed or to ascertain weather warnings prior to embarking on the outing.
In the event of a boat or water related accident, our office will endeavor to discover the facts behind what happened and to evaluate the liability and damages surrounding the event.
There are time deadlines imposed by the State of Texas regarding bringing a claim for personal injury if you are injured in a boating or water related accident. If you fail to bring your claim within the time allowed by Texas law, your claim may be prohibited. Our office will evaluate all time deadlines applicable to your boat or water related personal injury claim.

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